Part II.2 Volume/Folder List

Series Notes
Folder Lists
Part I
Part II
1 2 3
Part III
1 2 3
Part IV
1 2 3
Part V
1 2 3
Outside Repositories Edison-Miller Family

The links on the series title and the titles of the individual folders lead to their appropriate editorial descriptions ("targets"). The "Which Series Notes?" button at the top of each target page leads back to the appropriate place on this page. The small horizontal arrows () next to the series title and the individual years on this page lead back to the Document File Series on the "Contents" page. Because the "Volume/Folder List" pages for Parts II-V are quite large, they are each divided into sets of three. The boxes at the top and bottom of each "Volume/Folder List" page enable users to easily move from one page to another.

BackDOCUMENT FILE SERIES, 1879–1886 (REELS 49–79)


D-79-01 Deafness 49:6
D-79-02 Drexel, Morgan & Co 49:18
Edison, T.A.
D-79-03 —General 49:37
D-79-04 —Accounts 49:598
D-79-05 —Advice 49:601
D-79-06 —Articles 49:651
D-79-07 —Autograph & Photograph Requests [not selected]    49:760
D-79-08 —Bills & Receipts [not selected] 49:761
D-79-09 —Bills of lading [not selected]    49:762
D-79-10 —Book & Journal Orders 49:763
D-79-11 —Clubs and Societies 49:840
D-79-12 —Creditors 49:853
D-79-13 —Employment 49:863
D-79-14 —Family 49:937
D-79-15 —Honors & Awards 49:994
D-79-16 —Insurance [not selected] 49:1010
D-79-17 —Payroll Receipts [not selected]    49:1011
D-79-18 —Unsolicited inquiries [not selected]    49:1012
Electric Light
D-79-19 —General 50:2
D-79-20 —Edison Electric Light Co 50:202
D-79-21 —Edison Electric Light Co of Europe 50:307
D-79-22 —Foreign 50:321
D-79-23 Electric Pen 50:359
D-79-24 Exhibitions—American Institute Annual Exhibition 50:484
D-79-25 Menlo Park Laboratory 50:487
D-79-26 —General 50:547
D-79-27 —Edison Ore Milling Co 50:563
D-79-28 —Platinum Search 50:580
D-79-29 Patents 51:393
D-79-30 Patents—Patent Bill 51:640
D-79-31 —General 51:667
D-79-32 —Edison Speaking Phonograph Co 51:681
D-79-33 —Foreign 51:776
D-79-34    Railroad—Port Huron & Sarnia Railway Companies    51:793
D-79-35 Tasimeter 51:826
D-79-36 Telegraph 51:839
D-79-37 —General 52:2
D-79-38 —Carbon Button Orders [not selected]    52:169
D-79-39 —Foreign—General 52:170
D-79-40 —Foreign—Europe 52:245
D-79-41 —Foreign—U.K.—General 52:465
D-79-42 —Foreign—U.K.—Accounts [not selected] 52:1053


D-80-01 Bergmann, S. 53:4
D-80-02 Deafness 53:19
D-80-03 Drexel, Morgan & Co [not selected] 53:24
Edison, T.A.
D-80-04 —General 53:25
D-80-05 —Accounts [not selected]    53:286
D-80-06 —Advice 53:287
D-80-07 —Articles 53:335
D-80-08 —Autograph & Photograph Requests [not selected]    53:389
D-80-09 —Bills & Receipts [not selected]    53:390
D-80-10 —Bills of Lading [not selected]    53:391
D-80-11 —Book & Journal Orders 53:392
D-80-12 —Clubs & Societies 53:468
D-80-13 —Creditors [not selected]    53:484
D-80-14 —Employment 53:485
D-80-15 —Family 53:530
D-80-16 —Insurance 53:545
D-80-17 —Payroll Receipts [not selected]    53:549
D-80-18 —Unsolicited Inquiries [not selected]    53:550
D-80-19 —Visitors [not selected]    53:551
Electric Light
D-80-20 —General 53:552
D-80-21 —Edison Electric Lamp Co—General 54:2
D-80-22 —Edison Electric Lamp Co.—Accounts [not selected]    54:33
D-80-23 —Edison Electric Light Co 54:34
D-80-24 —Edison Electric Light Co of Europe 54:138
D-80-25 —[Number not used]     54:156
D-80-26 —Foreign 54:157
D-80-27 Electric Pen 54:343
D-80-28 Exhibitions-Paris Electrical Exhibition 54:358.2
Menlo Park Laboratory
D-80-29 —Incoming [not selected]    54:363
D-80-30 —Internal 54:364
D-80-31 —Outgoing [not selected]    54:373
D-80-32 —General 54:374
D-80-33 —Edison Ore Milling Co 54:437
D-80-34 —Mines & Ores 54:577
D-80-35 —Spring Valley Hydraulic Gold Co 54:863
D-80-36 Patents 55:2
D-80-37 [Number not used]    55:279
D-80-38 Phonograph 55:280
D-80-39 Railroad-Electric 55:300
D-80-40 Railroad-Port Huron Railway Co 55:348
D-80-41 Science 55:360
D-80-42 Telegraph 55:493
D-80-43 —General 55:594
D-80-44 —Carbon Button/Chalk Cylinder Orders [not selected]    55:667
D-80-45    —Edison Telephone Co of Europe—Accounts [not selected]    55:668
D-80-46 —Foreign—General 55:669
D-80-47 —Foreign—Chile 55:771
D-80-48 —Foreign—Europe 56:2
D-80-49 —Foreign—U.K. 56:338


D-81-01 Bergmann & Co 57:3
D-81-02 Deafness 57:19
D-81-03 Drexel, Morgan & CO [not selected]    57:28
Edison, T.A.
D-81-04 —General 57:29
D-81-05 —Accounts 57:345
D-81-06 —Advice 57:356
D-81-07 —Articles 57:395.1
D-81-08 —Autograph & Photograph Requests [not selected]    57:452
D-81-09 —Bills & Receipts [not selected]    57:453
D-81-10 —Bills of Lading [not selected]    57:454
D-81-11 —Book & Journal Orders 57:455
D-81-12 —Clubs & Societies 57:480
D-81-13 —Employment 57:496
D-81-14 —Family 57:532
D-81-15 —Honors & Awards 57:547
D-81-16 —Insurance [not selected]    57:550
D-81-17 —Payroll Receipts [not selected] 57:551
D-81-18 —Unsolicited Inquiries [not selected]    57:552
D-81-19 —Visitors [not selected]    57:553
Electric Light
D-81-20 —General 57:554
D-81-21 —Edison Co for Isolated Lighting 57:702
D-81-22 —Edison Electric Illuminating Co of New York 57:720
D-81-23 —Edison Electric Lamp Co—General 57:756
D-81-24 —Edison Electric Lamp Co—Accounts 57:1022
D-81-25    —Edison Electric Lamp Co—Lamp Test Reports    57:1090
D-81-26 —Edison Electric Light Co 58:2
D-81-27 —Edison Electric Light Co of Europe—General 58:69
D-81-28 —Edison Electric Light Co of Europe—Accounts [not selected]    58:202
D-81-29 —Edison Machine Works 58:203
D-81-30 —Electric Tube Co 58:347
D-81-31 —Foreign—General 58:379
D-81-32 —Foreign—Europe 58:417
D-81-33 —Foreign—U.K. 58:594
D-81-34 —Puskas & Saportas 58:834
D-81-35 Exhibitions—Paris Electrical Exhibition 58:870
D-81-36 Menlo Park Laboratory—General 59:2
D-81-37 Menlo Park Laboratory—Reports 59:59
D-81-38 —General 59:109
D-81-39 —Edison Ore Milling Co—General 59:160
D-81-40 —Edison Ore Milling Co—Accounts 59:213
D-81-41 —Mines & Ores [not selected]    59:278
D-81-42 Patents 59:279
D-81-43 Railroad-Electric 59:418
D-81-44 Science 59:451
D-81-45 Telegraph 59:609
D-81-46 —General 59:654
D-81-47 —Foreign—Chile 59:667
D-81-48 —Foreign—Europe 59:743
D-81-49 —Foreign—U.K.—General 59:911
D-81-50 —Foreign—U.K.—Oriental Telephone Co 59:988


D-82-01 Bergmann & Co 60:5
D-82-02 Deafness 60:32
D-82-03 Drexel, Morgan & CO [not selected]    60:42
Edison, T.A.
D-82-04 —General 60:43
D-82-05 —Accounts [not selected] 60:475
D-82-06 —Advice 60:476
D-82-07 —Articles 60:505
D-82-08 —Autograph & Photograph [not selected]    60:601
D-82-09 —Bills & Receipts [not selected]    60:602
D-82-10 —Bills of Lading [not selected]    60:603
D-82-11 —Book & Journal Orders 60:604
D-82-12 —Clubs & Societies 60:627
D-82-13 —Employment 60:646
D-82-14 —Family 60:694
D-82-15 —Honors & Awards 60:731
D-82-16 —Insurance 60:740
D-82-17 —Payroll Receipts [not selected]    60:745
D-82-18 —Unsolicited Inquiries [not selected]    60:746
D-82-19 —Visitors [not selected]    60:747
Electric Light
D-82-20 —General 60:748
D-82-21 —Edison Co for Isolated Lighting—General 60:844
D-82-22 —Edison Co for Isolated Lighting—Defect Reports 60:932
D-82-23 —Edison Electric Illuminating Co of New York 60:1019
D-82-24 —Edison Electric Light Co—General 61:2
D-82-25 —Edison Electric Light Co—Accounts [not selected]    61:145
D-82-26 —Edison Electric Light Co—Eaton, S.B.—Reports 61:146
D-82-27    —Edison Electric Light Co—Engineering Department    61:426
D-82-28 —Edison Electric Light Co of Europe—General 61:587
D-82-29 —Edison Electric Light Co of Europe—Accounts [not selected]    61:719
D-82-30 —Edison Lamp Co—General 61:720
D-82-31 —Edison Lamp Co—Accounts 61:854
D-82-32 —Edison Lamp Co—Lamp Test Reports 61:955
D-82-33 —Edison Machine Works—General 61:1000
D-82-34 —Edison Machine Works—Accounts 62:2
D-82-35 —Edison Machine Works—Testing Department 62:25
D-82-36 —Electric Tube Co 62:90
Electric Light—Foreign
D-82-37 —General 62:145
D-82-38 —Europe 62:198
D-82-39 —U.K.—General 62:625
D-82-40 —U.K.—Edison's Indian & Colonial Electric Light Co 63:2
D-82-41 Electric Light—Western Edison Light Co 63:83
D-82-42 Exhibitions 63:138
D-82-43 Insull, Samuel 63:146
D-82-44 Menlo Park Laboratory 63:184
D-82-45 —General 63:222
D-82-46 —Edison Ore Milling Co-General 63:263
D-82-47 —Edison Ore Milling Co-Accounts 63:301
D-82-48 Patents 63:368
D-82-49 Railroad—Electric 63:585
D-82-50 [Number not used]    63:680
D-82-51 Science 63:661
D-82-52 Telegraph 63:672
D-82-53 —General 63:713
D-82-54 —Foreign—Chile 63:765
D-82-55 —Foreign—Europe 63:785
D-82-56 —Foreign—U.K. 63:844


D-83-01 Deafness 64:6
D-83-02 Drexel, Morgan & Co 64:12
Edison, T.A.
D-83-03 —General 64:16
D-83-04 —Accounts [not selected]    64:395
D-83-05 —Advice 64:396
D-83-06 —Articles 64:445
D-83-07 —Autograph & Photograph Requests [not selected]    64:510
D-83-08 —Bills & Receipts [not selected]    64:511
D-83-09 —Bills of Lading [not selected]    64:512
D-83-10 —Book & Journal Orders 64:513
D-83-11 —Clubs & Societies 64:536
D-83-12 —Creditors [not selected]    64:552
D-83-13 —Employment 64:553
D-83-14 —Family 64:678
D-83-15 —Insurance 64:708
D-83-16 —Outgoing Correspondence 64:727
D-83-17 —Suppliers 65:1002
D-83-18 —Unsolicited Inquiries [not selected]    65:1034
D-83-19 —Visitors [not selected]    65:1035
Electric Light
D-83-20 —General 66:2
D-83-21 —Ansonia Brass & Copper Co 66:116
D-83-22 —Armington & Sims 66:176
D-83-23 —Babcock & Wilcox 66:347
D-83-24 —Bergmann & Co 66:392
D-83-25 —Edison Co for Isolated Lighting 66:484
D-83-26 —Edison Electric Illuminating Co of New York 66:654
D-83-27 —Edison Electric Light Co—General 66:702
D-83-28 —Edison Electric Light Co—Defect Reports 66:811
D-83-29    —Edison Electric Light Co—Engineering Department 66:873
D-83-30 —Edison Electric Light Co—Testing Department 66:934
D-83-31 —Edison Electric Light Co of Europe 67:2
D-83-32 —Edison Lamp Co—General 67:90
D-83-33 —Edison Lamp Co—Lamp Test Reports 67:299
D-83-34 —Edison Machine Works 67:353
D-83-35 —Electric Tube Co 67:442
Electric Light—Foreign
D-83-36 —General 67:509
D-83-37 —Europe 67:591
D-83-38 —U.K.—General 68:2
D-83-39 —U.K.—Edison's Indian & Colonial Electric Light Co    68:223
Electric Light—TAE Construction Department
D-83-40 —General 68:302
D-83-41 —Accounts [not selected]    68:669
D-83-42 —Canvassing 68:670
D-83-43 —Engineering 69:2
Electric Light—TAE Construction Dept—Stations
D-83-44 —Connecticut 69:381
D-83-45 —Kentucky—Louisville 69:436
D-83-46 —Massachusetts—Brockton 69:458
D-83-47 —Massachusetts—Fall River 69:606
D-83-48 —Massachusetts—Lawrence 69:687
D-83-49 —Missouri—Kansas City 69:821
D-83-50 —Missouri—St. Louis 69:846
D-83-51 —New York—Newburgh 69:868
D-83-52 —New York—Utica 69:910
D-83-53 —Ohio—General 69:946
D-83-54 —Ohio—Middletown 69:1048
D-83-55 —Ohio—Piqua 69:1061
D-83-56 —Ohio—Tiffin 69:1076
D-83-57 —Pennsylvania—Bellefonte 70:2
D-83-58 —Pennsylvania—Erie 70:49
D-83-59 —Pennsylvania—Mt. Carmel 70:70
D-83-60 —Pennsylvania—Shamokin 70:96
D-83-61 —Pennsylvania—Sunbury 70:261
D-83-62 —Pennsylvania—Williamsport 70:466
D-83-63 —Wisconsin—Appleton 70:506.1
D-83-64 Electric Light—Western Edison Light Co 70:524
D-83-65 Electric Pen 70:621
D-83-66 Exhibitions 70:635
D-83-67 Insull, Samuel 70:709
D-83-68 Mining 70:795
D-83-69 New York Laboratory 70:867
D-83-70 Patents 70:906
D-83-71 Phonograph 70:1084
D-83-72 Railroad—Electric 70:1089
D-83-73 Telegraph 70:1118
D-83-74 Telephone 70:1153


D-84-01 Deafness 71:6.1
D-84-02 Drexel, Morgan & Co 71:9
Edison, T.A.
D-84-03 —General 71:28
D-84-04 —Accounts [not selected] 71:388
D-84-05 —Advice 71:389
D-84-06 —Articles 71:427
D-84-07 —Autograph & Photograph Requests [not selected]    71:460
D-84-08 —Bills & Receipts [not selected]    71:461
D-84-09 —Bills of Lading [not selected] 71:462
D-84-10 —Book & Journal Orders 71:463
D-84-11 —Clubs & Societies 71:483
D-84-12 —Creditors [not selected]    71:512
D-84-13 —Employment 71:513
D-84-14 —Family 71:604.1
D-84-15 —Insurance 71:692
D-84-16 —Outgoing Correspondence 71:695
D-84-17 —Suppliers 72:861
D-84-18 —Unsolicited Inquiries [not selected]    72:868
D-84-19 —Visitors [not selected]    72:869
Electric Light
D-84-20 —General 72:870
D-84-21 —Ansonia Brass & Copper Co 72:940
D-84-22 —Armington & Sims 72:968
D-84-23 —Babcock & Wilcox 73:2
D-84-24 —Bergmann & Co 73:25
D-84-25 —Edison Co for Isolated Lighting 73:96
D-84-26 —Edison Electric Illuminating Co of New York 73:110
D-84-27 —Edison Electric Light Co 73:148
D-84-28 —Edison Electric Light Co of Europe 73:277
D-84-29 —Edison Lamp Co—General 73:359
D-84-30 —Edison Lamp Co—Lamp Test Reports 73:486
D-84-31 —Edison Machine Works 73:548
D-84-32 —Edison Shafting Manufacturing Co 73:652
D-84-33 —Electric Tube Co 73:710
Electric Light—Foreign
D-84-34 —General 73:757.2
D-84-35 —Chile 73:851
D-84-36 —Europe 74:2
D-84-37 —U.K.—General 74:251
D-84-38    —U.K.—Edison's Indian & Colonial Electric Light Co    74:334
Electric Light—TAE Construction Dept
D-84-39 —General 74:383
D-84-40 —Accounts [not selected]    74:524
D-84-41 —Canvassing 74:525
D-84-42 —Engineering 74:557
Electric Light—TAE Construction Dept—Stations
D-84-43 —Louisiana—New Orleans 74:855
D-84-44 —Massachusetts—Fall River 74:875
D-84-45 —Massachusetts—Lawrence 74:927
D-84-46 —New York—Newburgh 75:2
D-84-47 —Ohio—General 75:82
D-84-48 —Ohio—Circleville 75:208.1
D-84-49 —Ohio—Middletown 75:274
D-84-50 —Ohio—Piqua 75:387
D-84-51 —Ohio—Tiffin 75:534
D-84-52 —Pennsylvania—Ashland 75:743
D-84-53 —Pennsylvania—Bellefonte 75:757
D-84-54 —Pennsylvania—Harrisburg 75:991
D-84-55 —Pennsylvania—Hazleton 76:2
D-84-56 —Pennsylvania—Mt. Carmel 76:138
D-84-57 —Pennsylvania—Shamokin 76:268
D-84-58 —Pennsylvania—Sunbury 76:356
D-84-59 —Pennsylvania—Williamsport 76:409
D-84-60 —Tennessee—Knoxville 76:421
D-84-61 —Wisconsin—Appleton 76:436
D-84-62 Electric Light—Western Edison Light Co 76:454
D-84-63 Electric Pen 76:510
D-84-64 Exhibitions 76:516
D-84-65 Insull, Samuel 76:578
D-84-66 Mining 76:642
D-84-67 New York Laboratory 76:681
D-84-68 Patents 76:708
D-84-69 Phonograph 76:815
D-84-70 Railroad—Electric 76:825
D-84-71 Telegraph 76:869
D-84-72 Telephone 76:915


D-85-01 Deafness 77:4
D-85-02 Drexel, Morgan & Co 77:9
Edison, T.A.
D-85-03 —General 77:31
D-85-04 —Accounts 77:246
D-85-05 —Advice 77:254
D-85-06 —Articles 77:301
D-85-07 —Autograph & Photograph Requests [not selected]    77:339
D-85-08 —Bills & Receipts [not selected]    77:340
D-85-09 —Bills of Lading    77:341
D-85-10 —Book & Journal Orders 77:342
D-85-11 —Clubs & Societies 77:350
D-85-12 —Creditors 77:368
D-85-13 —Employment 77:385
D-85-14 —Family 77:429
D-85-15 —Suppliers [not selected]    77:485
D-85-16 —Unsolicited Inquiries    77:486
D-85-17 —Visitors [not selected]    77:487
Electric Light
D-85-18 —General 77:488
D-85-19 —Ansonia Brass & Copper Co 77:520
D-85-20 —Armington & Sims 77:522
D-85-21 —Bergmann & Co 77:539
D-85-22 —Edison Co for Isolated Lighting 77:558
D-85-23 —Edison Electric Illuminating Companies—General 77:598
D-85-24    —Edison Electric Illuminating Companies—Accounts [not selected]    77:709
D-85-25 —Edison Electric Illuminating Co of New York 77:710
D-85-26 —Edison Electric Light Co 77:720
D-85-27 —Edison Electric Light Co of Europe 77:798
D-85-28 —Edison Lamp Co—General 77:859
D-85-29 —Edison Lamp Co—Accounts 77:917
D-85-30 —Edison Lamp Co—Lamp Test Reports [not selected]    77:920
D-85-31 —Edison Machine Works 77:921
D-85-32 —Edison Shafting Manufacturing Co 77:991
D-85-33 —Electric Tube Co 77:1024
D-85-34 —Foreign—General 78:2
D-85-35 —Foreign—Europe 78:62
D-85-36 —Western Edison Light Co 78:268
D-85-37 Electric Pen 78:283
D-85-38 Exhibitions 78:300
D-85-39 Fort Myers 78:324
D-85-40 Glenmont 78:346
D-85-41 Insull, Samuel 78:352
D-85-42 Menlo Park 78:425
D-85-43 Mining 78:436
D-85-44 Patents 78:480
D-85-45 Railroad—Electric 78:519
D-85-46 Telegraph 78:537
D-85-47 Telephone 78:817


D-86-1 Deafness 79:4
D-86-2 Drexel, Morgan & Co 79:8
Edison, T.A.
D-86-3 —General 79:25
D-86-4 —Accounts [not selected]    79:176
D-86-5 —Advice 79:177
D-86-6 —Articles 79:194
D-86-7 —Autograph & Photograph Requests [not selected]    79:206
D-86-8 —Bills & Receipts [not selected]    79:207
D-86-9 —Bills of Lading [not selected]    79:208
D-86-10 —Book & Journal Orders 79:209
D-86-11 —Clubs & Societies 79:222
D-86-12 —Creditors 79:234
D-86-13 —Employment 79:239
D-86-14 —Family 79:248
D-86-15 —Insurance 79:277
D-86-16.1 —Suppliers [not selected]    79:282
D-86-16.2 —Unsolicited Inquiries [not selected]    79:283
D-86-17 —Visitors [not selected]    79:284
Electric Light
D-86-18 —General 79:285
D-86-19 —Ansonia Brass & Copper Co 79:300
D-86-20 —Bergmann & Co 79:306
D-86-21 —Edison Co for Isolated Lighting 79:315
D-86-22 —Edison Electric Illuminating Companies 79:335
D-86-23 —Edison Electric Illuminating Co of New York 79:354
D-86-24 —Edison Electric Light Co 79:371
D-86-25 —Edison Electric Light Co of Europe 79:442
D-86-26 —Edison Lamp Co 79:485
D-86-27 —Edison Machine Works 79:512
D-86-28 —Edison Shafting Manufacturing Co [not selected]    79:676
D-86-29 —Edison United Manufacturing Co 79:677
D-86-30 —Foreign 79:687
D-86-31 —Western Edison Light Co 79:885
D-86-32 Exhibitions 79:889
D-86-33 Insull, Samuel—General 79:897
D-86-34    Insull, Samuel—Rapid Service Store Railway Co    79:973
D-86-35 Mining 79:1021
D-86-36 New York Laboratory 79:1043
D-86-37 Patents 79:1059
D-86-38 Railroad—Electric [not selected]    79:1125
D-86-39 Telegraph 79:1126
D-86-40 Telephone 79:1182

Series Notes
Folder Lists
Part I
Part II
1 2 3
Part III
1 2 3
Part IV
1 2 3
Part V
1 2 3
Outside Repositories Edison-Miller Family