Part V.2 Volume/Folder List

Series Notes
Folder Lists
Part I
Part II
1 2 3
Part III
1 2 3
Part IV
1 2 3
Part V
1 2 3
Outside Repositories Edison-Miller Family

The links on the series title and the titles of the individual folders lead to their appropriate editorial descriptions ("targets"). The "Which Series Notes?" button at the top of each target page leads back to the appropriate place on this page. The small horizontal arrows () next to the series title and the individual years on this page lead back to the Edison General File Series on the "Contents" page. Because the "Volume/Folder List" pages for Parts II-V are quite large, they are each divided into sets of three. The boxes at the top and bottom of each "Volume/Folder List" page enable users to easily move from one page to another.


Back 1911

E-11-01 Advertising [not selected] 248:9
E-11-02 Advice 248:10
E-11-03 Articles 248:95
E-11-04 Autograph and Photograph Requests 248:154
E-11-05 Automobile 248:175
E-11-06 Aviation 248:195
E-11-07 Banking 248:197
  Battery, Storage
E-11-08 —General 248:207
E-11-09 —Country House Lighting - General 248:345
E-11-10 —Country House Lighting - Windmill 248:401
E-11-11 —Delivery Wagons - General 248:443
E-11-12 —Delivery Wagons - Endurance Tests 248:483
E-11-13 —Delivery Wagons - Horse‑Drawn Wagon Costs 248:535
E-11-14 —Delivery Wagons - Lansden Company 248:545
E-11-15 —Edison Storage Battery Company 248:613
E-11-16 —Electric Vehicles - General 248:651
E-11-17 —Electric Vehicles - Anderson Electric Car Company 248:735
E-11-18 —Electric Vehicles - Promotional 248:759
E-11-19 —Federal Storage Battery Car Company 248:815
E-11-20 —Foreign - General 248:898
E-11-21 —Foreign - Bergmann, Sigmund 249:1
E-11-22 —Railroad 249:140
E-11-23 —Submarine 249:169
E-11-24 Birthday Greetings [not selected] 249:235
E-11-25 Book and Journal Orders 249:236
E-11-26 Business Propositions [not selected] 249:284
E-11-27 Cement 249:285
E-11-28 Cement House 249:325
E-11-29 Charities and Loans 249:393
E-11-30 Chemicals 249:409
E-11-31 Christmas and New Year Greetings [not selected] 249:412
E-11-32 Cigarettes 249:413
E-11-33 Clubs and Societies 249:417
E-11-34 Copyright [not selected] 249:478
E-11-35 Deafness 249:479
E-11-36 Edison, T.A. 249:491
E-11-37 Edison Crushing Roll Company [not selected] 249:517
E-11-38 Edison Star [not selected] 249:518
E-11-39 Education 249:519
E-11-40 Electric Light 249:528
E-11-41 Employment 249:582
E-11-42 Equipment and Supplies [not selected] 249:648
E-11-43 European Tour 249:649
E-11-44 Exhibitions 249:713
E-11-45 Family 249:723
E-11-46 Fan Mail [not selected] 249:857
E-11-47 Financial [not selected] 249:858
E-11-48 Ford, Henry 249:859
E-11-49 Foreign Language Correspondence (Untranslated) [not selected] 249:862
E-11-50 Fort Myers 249:863
E-11-51 Glenmont 249:900
E-11-52 Health and Diet 249:903
E-11-53 Honors and Awards 249:937
E-11-54 Insurance 249:949
E-11-55 Invitations 249:955
E-11-56 Lectures [not selected] 249:968
E-11-57 —General 249:969
E-11-58 —Litigation - George Harrington, Josiah C. Reiff, and Thomas A. Edison v. Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Co. et al. 249:980
E-11-59 —Litigation - Thomas A. Edison v. Allis-Chalmers Co. et al. 249:1027
E-11-60 —General 250:2
E-11-61 —Metals and Other Minerals [not selected] 250:129
E-11-62 —Ore Milling 250:130
E-11-63 Motion Pictures 250:201
E-11-64 Name Use [not selected] 250:323
E-11-65 Patents [not selected] 250:324
E-11-66 —General 250:325
E-11-67 —Johnson, Edward H. 250:370
E-11-68 —General 250:395
E-11-69 —Edison Phonograph Works 250:435
E-11-70 —Foreign 250:448
E-11-71 —Laboratory and Technical Employees 250:486
E-11-72 —National Phonograph Company and Thomas A. Edison, Inc 250:509
E-11-73 Politics 250:600
E-11-74 Polyform [not selected] 250:605
E-11-75 Port Huron [not selected] 250:606
E-11-76 Radio [not selected] 250:607
E-11-77 Real Estate 250:608
E-11-78 Receipts [not selected] 250:627
E-11-79 Religion and Spiritualism 250:628
E-11-80 Secretary [not selected] 250:694
E-11-81 Stock and Bond Offerings [not selected] 250:695
E-11-82 Telegraph 250:696
E-11-83 Telephone 250:700
E-11-84 Thomas A. Edison, Inc. 250:702
E-11-85 Visitors 250:716
E-11-86 Warren County Warehouse Company [not selected] 250:773
E-11-87 West Orange Laboratory 250:774
  West Orange Laboratory and Associated Companies  
E-11-88 —Letters and Reports to Edison 250:819
E-11-89 —Notes by Edison 250:891

Back 1912

E-12-01 Advertising 251:4
E-12-02 Advice 251:12
E-12-03 Articles 251:81
E-12-04 Autograph and Photograph Requests 251:143
E-12-05 Automobile 251:161
E-12-06 Aviation 251:190
E-12-07 Banking 251:196
E-12-08 Battery, Primary 251:210
  Battery, Storage
E-12-09 —General  251:219
E-12-10  —Country House Lighting 251:365
E-12-11 —Delivery Wagons - General 251:399
E-12-12 —Delivery Wagons - Endurance Tests [not selected] 251:441
E-12-13 —Delivery Wagons - Lansden Company 251:442
E-12-14 —Edison Storage Battery Company [not selected] 251:482
E-12-15 —Electric Vehicles 251:483
E-12-16 —Federal Storage Battery Car Company 251:534
E-12-17 —Foreign - General 251:646
E-12-18 —Foreign - Bergmann, Sigmund 251:743
E-12-19 —Foreign - Japan 251:794
E-12-20 Birthday Celebration 251:805
E-12-21 Birthday Greetings [not selected] 251:927
E-12-22 Book and Journal Orders 251:928
E-12-23 Business Propositions [not selected] 251:963
E-12-24 Cement 251:964
E-12-25 Cement House 251:993
E-12-26 Charities and Loans 251:1037
E-12-27 Christmas and New Year Greetings [not selected] 251:1061
E-12-28 Cigarettes 251:1062
E-12-29 Clubs and Societies 251:1067
E-12-30 Deafness 252:1
E-12-31 Edison, T.A. 252:13
E-12-32 Edison Club [not selected] 252:32
E-12-33 Edison Crushing Roll Company 252:33
E-12-34 Edison Star [not selected] 252:43
E-12-35 Education 252:44
E-12-36 Electric Light 252:50
E-12-37 Employment 252:99
E-12-38 Equipment and Supplies 252:190
E-12-39 European Tour (1911) 252:221
E-12-40 Exhibitions 252:242
E-12-41 Family 252:258
E-12-42 Fan Mail [not selected] 252:349
E-12-43 Financial [not selected] 252:350
E-12-44 Foreign-Language Documents (Untranslated) [not selected] 252:351
E-12-45 Fort Myers 252:352
E-12-46 Glenmont 252:369
E-12-47 Halogen Products Company 252:371
E-12-48 Health and Diet 252:381
E-12-49 Insurance [not selected] 252:397
E-12-50 Invitations [not selected] 252:398
E-12-51 Lectures [not selected] 252:399
E-12-52 —General 252:400
E-12-53 —Litigation 252:413
E-12-54 Menlo Park 252:418
E-12-55 Miner's Safety Lamp 252:427
E-12-56 —General [not selected] 252:438
E-12-57 —Metals and Other Minerals 252:439
E-12-58 —Ore Milling 252:509
  Motion Pictures  
E-12-59 —General 252:639
E-12-60 —Educational Films 252:895
E-12-61 Name Use [not selected] 252:955
E-12-62 Patents 252:956
E-12-63 Personal 252:998
E-12-64 —General 253:1
  —General - Thomas A. Edison, Inc. Committee Meetings 253:225
E-12-65 —Edison Phonograph Works 253:270
E-12-66 —Foreign 253:278
E-12-67 —Music Publishers 253:450
E-12-68 Politics 253:479
E-12-69 Port Huron [not selected] 253:503
E-12-70 Proudfoot's Commercial Agency [not selected] 253:504
E-12-71 Radio 253:505
E-12-72 Real Estate 253:513
E-12-73 Receipts [not selected] 253:525
E-12-74 Religion and Spiritualism [not selected] 253:526
E-12-75 Secretary [not selected] 253:527
E-12-76 Stock and Bond Offerings [not selected] 253:528
E-12-77 Tasimeter 253:529
E-12-78 Telegraph 253:532
E-12-79 Telephone [not selected] 253:571
  Thomas A. Edison, Inc.  
E-12-80 —General 253:572
E-12-81 —Accounts 253:657
E-12-82 Tidal Power 253:679
E-12-83 Visitors 253:684
E-12-84 Warren County Warehouse Company [not selected] 253:757
  West Orange Laboratory  
E-12-85 —General 253:758
E-12-86 —Hutchison, Miller Reese 253:779
E-12-87 West Orange Laboratory and Associated Companies - Letters and Reports to Edison 253:812
E-12-88 X-Rays [not selected] 253:944

Back 1913

E-13-01 Advertising [not selected] 254:4
E-13-02 Advice 254:5
E-13-03 Architectural Concrete Company 254:60
E-13-04 Articles 254:62
E-13-05 Autograph and Photograph Requests 254:145
E-13-06 Automobile 254:189
E-13-07 Aviation [not selected] 254:203
E-13-08 Battery, Primary 254:204
  Battery, Storage
E-13-09 —General 254:247
E-13-10 —Delivery Wagons - Endurance Tests 254:322
E-13-11 —Delivery Wagons - Lansden Company 254:354
E-13-12 —Edison Storage Battery Company 254:362
E-13-13 —Electric Vehicles 254:412
E-13-14 —Federal Storage Battery Car Company 254:462
E-13-15 —Foreign 254:500
E-13-16    Birthday Greetings    254:665
E-13-17 Book and Journal Orders 254:668
E-13-18 Business Propositions [not selected] 254:691
E-13-19 Cement 254:692
E-13-20 Cement House 254:711
E-13-21 Charities and Loans 254:737
E-13-22 Christmas and New Year Greetings [not selected] 254:747
E-13-23 Cigarettes 254:748
E-13-24 Clubs and Societies 254:754
E-13-25 Copyright 254:765
E-13-26 Deafness 254:771
E-13-27 Edison, T. A. 254:781
E-13-28 Edison Chemical Works 254:825
E-13-29 Edison Club [not selected] 254:839
E-13-30 Edison Crushing Roll Company 254:840
E-13-31 Edison Portland Cement Company 254:845
E-13-32 Edison Star [not selected] 254:921
E-13-33 Education 254:922
E-13-34 Electric Light 254:936
E-13-35 Electric Pen [not selected] 254:1009
E-13-36 Employment 254:1010
E-13-37 Equipment and Supplies 255:1
E-13-38 Exhibitions 255:67
E-13-39 Family 255:86
E-13-40 Fan Mail [not selected] 255:176
E-13-41 Financial 255:177
E-13-42 Ford, Henry 255:189
E-13-43 Foreign-Language Documents (Untranslated) [not selected] 255:205
E-13-44 Fort Myers 255:206
E-13-45 Glenmont 255:214
E-13-46 Halogen Products Company 255:224
E-13-47 Health and Diet 255:231
E-13-48 Honors and Awards 255:248
E-13-49 Insurance 255:262
E-13-50 Invitations [not selected] 255:270
E-13-51 Lectures 255:271
E-13-52 —General 255:273
E-13-53 —Litigation 255:289
E-13-54 Menlo Park 255:321
E-13-55 Miner's Safety Lamp 255:324
E-13-56 —General 255:378
E-13-57 —Metals and Other Minerals 255:390
E-13-58 —Ore Milling 255:433
E-13-59 Motion Pictures  
  —January-June 255:551
  —July-December 255:820
  —Undated, ca. 1913 255:942
  —Thomas A. Edison, Inc. Committee Minutes 255:962
E-13-60 Name Use 256:1
E-13-61 New Jersey Patent Company 256:12
E-13-62 Patents 256:30
E-13-63 —General 256:59
E-13-64 —Johnson, Edward H. 256:81
E-13-65 —General - January-June 256:110
  —General - July-December 256:273
  —General - Thomas A. Edison, Inc. Committee Minutes 256:424
E-13-66 —Edison Phonograph Works [not selected] 256:595
E-13-67 Pohatcong Railroad Company [not selected] 256:596
E-13-68 Politics 256:597
E-13-69 Port Huron [not selected] 256:613
E-13-70 Proudfoot’s Commercial Agency 256:614
E-13-71 Radio [not selected] 256:617
E-13-72 Real Estate 256:618
E-13-73 Religion and Spiritualism 256:623
E-13-74 Secretary [not selected] 256:626
E-13-75 Stock and Bond Offerings [not selected] 256:627
E-13-76 Telegraph 256:628
E-13-77 Telephone [not selected] 256:630
  Thomas A. Edison, Inc.  
E-13-78 —General 256:631
E-13-79 —Accounts [not selected] 256:669
E-13-80 Visitors 256:670
E-13-81 Warren County Warehouse Company 256:705
E-13-82 West Orange Laboratory 256:708
E-13-83 X-Rays [not selected] 256:816

Back 1914

E-14-01 Advertising 257:4
E-14-02 Advice 257:10
E-14-03 Architectural Concrete Company [not selected] 257:35
E-14-04 Articles 257:36
E-14-05 Autograph and Photograph Requests 257:112
E-14-06 Automobile 257:135
E-14-07 Aviation [not selected] 257:160
E-14-08 Battery, Primary [not selected] 257:161
  Battery, Storage
E-14-09 —General 257:162
E-14-10 —Edison Storage Battery Company 257:238
E-14-11 —Electric Street Cars 257:239
E-14-12 —Electric Vehicles 257:322
E-14-13 —Foreign 257:415
E-14-14 —Submarines 257:484
E-14-15    Birthday Greetings    257:515
E-14-16 Book and Journal Orders 257:527
E-14-17 Business Propositions [not selected] 257:549
E-14-18 Cement [not selected] 257:550
E-14-19 Cement House 257:551
E-14-20 Charities and Loans 257:565
E-14-21 Chemicals 257:589
E-14-22 Christmas and New Year Greetings [not selected] 257:886.1
E-14-23 Cigarettes 257:886.2
E-14-24 Clubs and Societies 257:917
E-14-25 Condensite Company of America 257:961
E-14-26 Deafness 257:965
E-14-27 Edison, T. A. 257:970
E-14-28 Edison Chemical Works 258:1
E-14-29 Edison Club [not selected] 258:33
E-14-30 Edison Crushing Roll Company [not selected] 258:34
E-14-31 Edison Manufacturing Company [not selected] 258:35
E-14-32 Edison Portland Cement Company 258:36
E-14-33 Edison Pulverized Limestone Company [not selected] 258:109
E-14-34 Edison Star [not selected] 258:110
E-14-35 Education [not selected] 258:111
E-14-36 Electric Light 258:112
E-14-37 Electric Pen 258:122
E-14-38 Employment 258:126
E-14-39 Equipment and Supplies 258:211
E-14-40 Exhibitions 258:237
E-14-41 Family 258:253
E-14-42 Fan Mail [not selected] 258:342
E-14-43 Financial [not selected] 258:343
E-14-44 Ford, Henry 258:344
E-14-45 Foreign Language Documents (Untranslated) [not selected] 258:365
E-14-46 Fort Myers 258:366
E-14-47 Glenmont 258:378
E-14-48 Health and Diet 258:395
E-14-49 Honors and Awards 258:412
E-14-50 Insurance [not selected] 258:423
E-14-51 Invitations [not selected] 258:424
E-14-52 Lectures [not selected] 258:425
E-14-53 —General 258:426
E-14-54 —Legal Department Weekly Reports 258:429
E-14-55 —Litigation 258:561
E-14-56 Menlo Park 258:577
E-14-57 Milan, Ohio 258:579
E-14-58 Miner's Safety Lamp 258:583
E-14-59 —General [not selected] 258:601
E-14-60 —Metals and Other Minerals 258:602
E-14-61 —Ogden Iron Company 258:612
E-14-62 —Ore Milling - General 258:617
E-14-63 —Ore Milling - Foreign 258:639
E-14-64 Motion Pictures 258:648
E-14-65 Name Use [not selected] 258:962
E-14-66 Outgoing Correspondence 258:963
E-14-67 Patents 258:977
E-14-68 Personal 258:996
E-14-69 Phonograph  
  —General - January-June 259:1
  —General - July-December 259:234
  —General - Undated, ca. 1914 259:458
  —General - Amusement Phonograph Committee Minutes 259:543
E-14-70 —Edison Gesellschaft 259:566
E-14-71 Pohatcong Railroad Company [not selected] 259:583
E-14-72 Politics 259:584
E-14-73 Port Huron 259:592
E-14-74 Proudfoot’s Commercial Agency [not selected] 259:594
E-14-75 Radio [not selected] 259:595
E-14-76 Real Estate [not selected] 259:596
E-14-77 Religion and Spiritualism 259:597
E-14-78 Secretary 259:599
E-14-79 Stock and Bond Offerings 259:600
E-14-80 Telephone [not selected] 259:605
E-14-81 Telescribe 259:606
  Thomas A. Edison, Inc.  
E-14-82 —General 259:621
E-14-83 —Fire 259:680
E-14-84 Thomas A. Edison, Ltd. 259:879
E-14-85 Visitors 259:885
E-14-86 Warren County Warehouse Company [not selected] 259:902
E-14-87 West Orange Laboratory 259:903
E-14-88 World War I 259:992
E-14-89 X-Rays 259:1010

Back 1915

E-15-01 Advertising 260:4
E-15-02 Advice 260:14
E-15-03 Articles 260:64
E-15-04 Autograph and Photograph Requests 260:140
E-15-05 Automobile 260:168
E-15-06 Aviation [not selected] 260:184
E-15-07 Battery, Primary 260:185
  Battery, Storage  
E-15-08 —General 260:238
E-15-09 —Edison Storage Battery Company 260:310
E-15-10 —Foreign 260:336
E-15-11 —Submarines 260:348
E-15-12 Birthday Greetings 260:382
E-15-13 Book and Journal Orders 260:392
E-15-14 Business Propositions [not selected] 260:415
E-15-15    Cement    260:416
E-15-16 Cement House 260:427
E-15-17 Charities and Loans 260:442
E-15-18 Chemicals
  —January 260:489
  —February 260:608
  —March 260:673
  —April 261:1
  —May 261:259
  —June 261:394
  —July 261:518
  —August 261:633
  —September 261:741
  —October 262:1
  —November 262:91
  —December 262:182
  —Undated, ca. 1915 262:311
E-15-19 Christmas and New Year Greetings [not selected] 262:345
E-15-20 Cigarettes 262:346
E-15-21 Clubs and Societies 262:354
E-15-22 Condensite Company of America 262:366
E-15-23 Copyright [not selected] 262:371
E-15-24 Deafness 262:372
E-15-25 Edison, T. A. 262:381
E-15-26 Edison Chemical Works 262:423
E-15-27 Edison Club [not selected] 262:430
E-15-28 Edison Crushing Roll Company [not selected] 262:431
E-15-29 Edison Portland Cement Company 262:432
E-15-30 Edison Pulverized Limestone Company [not selected] 262:437
E-15-31 Edison Star [not selected] 262:438
E-15-32 Education [not selected] 262:439
E-15-33 Electric Light 262:440
E-15-34 Electric Pen [not selected] 262:463
E-15-35 Employment 262:464
E-15-36 Equipment and Supplies 262:505
E-15-37 Exhibitions 262:593
E-15-38 Family 262:669
E-15-39 Fan Mail [not selected] 262:718
E-15-40 Financial 262:719
E-15-41 Ford, Henry 262:724
E-15-42 Foreign Language Documents (Untranslated) [not selected] 262:764
E-15-43 Fort Myers 262:765
E-15-44 Glenmont 262:773
E-15-45 Health and Diet 262:780
E-15-46 Honors and Awards 262:803
E-15-47 Insurance [not selected] 262:824
E-15-48 Invitations [not selected] 262:825
E-15-49 Lectures [not selected] 262:826
E-15-50 —General 262:827
E-15-51 —Legal Department Weekly Reports 263:1
E-15-52 —Litigation 263:82
E-15-53 Milan, Ohio [not selected] 263:93
E-15-54 Miner's Safety Lamp 263:94
E-15-55 —General [not selected] 263:99
E-15-56 —Metals and Other Minerals 263:100
E-15-57 —Ore Milling 263:159
E-15-58 Motion Pictures 263:184
E-15-59 Name Use 263:329
E-15-60 Naval Consulting Board 263:338
E-15-61 New York Concentrating Works 263:348
E-15-62 Outgoing Correspondence 263:354
E-15-63 Patents 263:383
E-15-64 Personal 263:417
E-15-65 Phonograph  
  —General - January-June 263:465
  —General - July-December 264:1
  —General - Undated, ca. 1915 264:318
E-15-66 —Edison Phonograph Work 264:402
E-15-67 Politics 264:413
E-15-68 Port Huron 264:435
E-15-69 Proudfoot’s Commercial Agency [not selected] 264:445
E-15-70 Radio 264:446
E-15-71 Real Estate 264:452
E-15-72 Religion and Spiritualism 264:463
E-15-73 School Children Letters [not selected] 264:478
E-15-74 —Meadowcroft, W. H. 264:479
E-15-75 —Miller, H. F. [not selected] 264:523
E-15-76 Stock and Bond Offerings 264:524
E-15-77 Telescribe 264:529
  Thomas A. Edison, Inc.  
E-15-78 —General 264:544
E-15-79 —Fire 264:584
E-15-80 Visitors 264:723
E-15-81 Warren County Warehouse Company [not selected] 264:782
E-15-82 West Orange Laboratory 264:783
E-15-83 World War I 264:824
E-15-84 X-Rays 264:850

Back 1916

E-16-01 Advertising 265:4
E-16-02 Advice 265:22
E-16-03 Articles 265:92
E-16-04 Autograph and Photograph Requests 265:223
E-16-05 Automobile 265:276
E-16-06 Aviation [not selected] 265:284
E-16-07 Bates Numbering Machine [not selected] 265:285
  Battery, Storage  
E-16-08 —General 265:286
E-16-09 —Edison Storage Battery Company 265:392
E-16-10 Birthday Greetings 265:410
E-16-11 Book and Journal Orders 265:414
E-16-12 Business Propositions [not selected] 265:440
E-16-13 Cement 265:441
E-16-14 Cement House 265:444
E-16-15    Charities and Loans    265:463
E-16-16 Chemicals
  —January 265:521
  —February 265:604
  —March 265:693
  —April 265:768
  —May 265:836
  —June 265:906
  —July 265:976
  —August 266:1
  —September 266:68
  —October 266:122
  —November 266:175
  —December 266:246
  —Undated, ca. 1916 266:303
E-16-17 Christmas and New Year Greetings [not selected] 266:341
E-16-18 Cigarettes [not selected] 266:342
E-16-19 Clubs and Societies 266:343
E-16-20 Condensite Company of America 266:379
E-16-21 Deafness 266:382
E-16-22 E-2 Explosion 266:398
E-16-23 Ediphone 266:427
E-16-24 Edison, T. A. 266:439
E-16-25 Edison Band 266:492
E-16-26 Edison Chemical Works 266:503
E-16-27 Edison Crushing Roll Company [not selected] 266:530
E-16-28 Edison Manufacturing Company 266:531
E-16-29 Edison Portland Cement Company 266:534
E-16-30 Edison Pulverized Limestone Company [not selected] 266:627
E-16-31 Edison Star [not selected] 266:628
E-16-32 Education 266:629
E-16-33 Electric Light 266:636
E-16-34 Electric Pen [not selected] 266:673
E-16-35 Employment 266:674
E-16-36 Equipment and Supplies 266:760
E-16-37 Exhibitions 266:806
E-16-38 Family 266:827
E-16-39 Fan Mail [not selected] 266:853
E-16-40 Financial [not selected] 266:854
E-16-41 Ford, Henry 266:855
E-16-42 Foreign-Language Documents (Untranslated) [not selected] 266:868
E-16-43 Fort Myers 266:869
E-16-44 Glenmont 266:877
E-16-45 Health and Diet 266:882
E-16-46 Honors and Awards 266:888
E-16-47 Insurance 266:892
E-16-48 Invitations 266:899
E-16-49 Lectures [not selected] 266:904
E-16-50 —General 266:905
E-16-51 —Legal Department 266:908
E-16-52 —Litigation 266:923
E-16-53 Milan, Ohio [not selected] 266:925
E-16-54 Miner's Safety Lamp [not selected] 266:926
E-16-55 —General 266:927
E-16-56 —Metals and Other Minerals 266:932
E-16-57 —Ore Milling 266:1059
E-16-58 Motion Pictures 267:1
E-16-59 Name Use 267:73
E-16-60 Naval Consulting Board 267:81
E-16-61 North Jersey Paint Company 267:96
E-16-62 Patents 267:103
E-16-63 Personal 267:109
E-16-64 Phonograph  
  —General - January-June 267:143
  —General - July-December 267:434
E-16-65 —Edison Phonograph Works [not selected] 267:699
E-16-66 Pohatcong Railroad Company [not selected] 267:700
E-16-67 Politics 267:701
E-16-68 Port Huron 267:786
E-16-69 Proudfoot’s Commercial Agency 267:792
E-16-70 Radio [not selected] 267:803
E-16-71 Real Estate 267:804
E-16-72 Religion and Spiritualism 267:824
E-16-73 Stock and Bond Offerings [not selected] 267:837
E-16-74 Submarines [not selected] 267:838
E-16-75 Telescribe [not selected] 267:839
  Thomas A. Edison, Inc.  
E-16-76 —General 267:840
E-16-77 —Fire [not selected] 267:851
E-16-78 Visitors 267:852
E-16-79 Warren County Warehouse Company [not selected] 267:874
E-16-80 West Orange Laboratory 267:875
E-16-81 World War I 267:895
E-16-82 X-Rays 267:915

Back 1917

E-17-01 Advertising 268:4
E-17-02 Advice 268:13
E-17-03 Architectural Concrete Company [not selected] 268:56
E-17-04 Articles 268:57
E-17-05 Autograph and Photograph Requests 268:118
E-17-06 Automobile 268:140
E-17-07 Aviation [not selected] 268:146
E-17-08 Bates Manufacturing Company [not selected] 268:147
E-17-09 Battery, Primary 268:148
E-17-10 Battery, Storage 268:152
E-17-11 Birthday Greetings 268:197
E-17-12 Book and Journal Orders 268:210
E-17-13 Business Propositions [not selected] 268:241
E-17-14 Cement [not selected] 268:242
E-17-15 Cement House 268:243
E-17-16    Charities and Loans    268:265
E-17-17 Chemicals 268:307
E-17-18 Christmas and New Year Greetings [not selected] 268:440
E-17-19 Cigarettes [not selected] 268:441
E-17-20 Clubs and Societies 268:442
E-17-21 Condensite Company of America 268:477
E-17-22 Copyright [not selected] 268:479
E-17-23 Cotton 268:480
E-17-24 Deafness 268:490
E-17-25 E-2 Explosion 268:500
E-17-26 Ediphone 268:508
E-17-27 Edison, T. A. 268:510
E-17-28 Edison Band 268:563
E-17-29 Edison Battalion [not selected] 268:566
E-17-30 Edison Crushing Roll Company 268:567
E-17-31 Edison Effect 268:570
E-17-32 Edison Engineering Society [not selected] 268:580
E-17-33 Edison Field Day [not selected] 268:581
E-17-34 Edison Pioneers 268:582
E-17-35 Edison Portland Cement Company 268:586
E-17-36 Edison Pulverized Limestone Company [not selected] 268:644
E-17-37 Education 268:645
E-17-38 Electric Light 268:651
E-17-39 Employment 268:662
E-17-40 Equipment and Supplies 268:777
E-17-41 Exhibitions 268:816
E-17-42 Family 268:829
E-17-43 Fan Mail [not selected] 268:865
E-17-44 Financial 268:866
E-17-45 Ford, Henry 268:883
E-17-46 Foreign‑Language Documents (Untranslated) [not selected] 268:897
E-17-47 Fort Myers 268:898
E-17-48 Glenmont [not selected] 268:946
E-17-49 Health and Diet [not selected] 268:947
E-17-50 Honors and Awards 269:1
E-17-51 Insurance [not selected] 269:6
E-17-52 Invitations 269:7
E-17-53 Lectures [not selected] 269:11
E-17-54 —General [not selected] 269:12
E-17-55 —Litigation 269:13
E-17-56 Milan, Ohio [not selected] 269:38
E-17-57 Miner's Safety Lamp 269:39
E-17-58 —General 269:42
E-17-59 —Metals and Other Minerals 269:51
E-17-60 —Ogden Iron Company [not selected] 269:91
E-17-61 —Ore Milling 269:92
E-17-62 Moser & Company [not selected] 269:97
E-17-63 Motion Pictures 269:98
E-17-64 Name Use [not selected] 269:113
E-17-65 Naval Consulting Board 269:114
E-17-66 New Jersey Products, Inc.[not selected] 269:137
E-17-67 North Jersey Paint Company [not selected] 269:138
E-17-68 Patents 269:139
E-17-69 Personal 269:143
E-17-70 —General 269:190
E-17-71 —Edison Phonograph Works [not selected] 269:403
E-17-72 Pohatcong Railroad Company [not selected] 269:404
E-17-73 Politics 269:405
E-17-74 Proudfoot's Commercial Agency 269:426
E-17-75 Radio 269:429
E-17-76 Real Estate 269:442
E-17-77 Religion and Spiritualism [not selected] 269:462
E-17-78 Rubber 269:463
E-17-79 Secretary (W. H. Meadowcroft) [not selected] 269:466
E-17-80 Silver Lake 269:467
E-17-81 Stock and Bond Offerings 269:475
E-17-82 Submarines 269:479
E-17-83 Thomas A. Edison, Inc 269:488
E-17-84 Thomas A. Edison, Ltd. [not selected] 269:506
E-17-85 Visitors 269:507
E-17-86 Warren County Warehouse Company [not selected] 269:524
E-17-87 West Orange Laboratory 269:525
E-17-88 Wisconsin Cabinet and Panel Company [not selected] 269:553
  World War I  
E-17-89 —General 269:554
E-17-90 —Experimental Work 269:568
E-17-91 X-Rays 269:695

Back 1918

E-18-01 Advertising [not selected] 269:703
E-18-02 Advice 269:704
E-18-03 Architectural Concrete Company 269:744
E-18-04 Articles 269:746
E-18-05 Autograph and Photograph Requests 269:775
E-18-06 Automobile 269:791
E-18-07 Aviation 269:795
E-18-08 Battery, Primary 269:799
  Battery, Storage
E-18-09 —General 269:805
E-18-10 —Edison Storage Battery Company [not selected] 269:852
E-18-11 Birthday Greetings 269:853
E-18-12 Book and Journal Orders 269:857
E-18-13 Business Propositions [not selected] 269:891
E-18-14 Camping Trip 269:892
E-18-15    Cement    269:934
E-18-16 Cement House 269:938
E-18-17 Charities and Loans 269:947
E-18-18 Chemicals 269:985
E-18-19 Christmas and New Year Greetings [not selected] 269:1031
E-18-20 Cigarettes 269:1032
E-18-21 Clubs and Societies 269:1041
E-18-22 Crushing Rolls 269:1077
E-18-23 Deafness 269:1086
E-18-24 Ediphone 269:1097
E-18-25 Edison, T. A. 270:1
E-18-26 Edison Band [not selected] 270:50
E-18-27 Edison Choral Society 270:51
E-18-28 Edison Engineering Society 270:53
E-18-29 Edison Field Day [not selected] 270:57
E-18-30 Edison International Corporation [not selected] 270:58
E-18-31 Edison Pioneers 270:59
E-18-32 Edison Portland Cement Company 270:71
E-18-33 Edison Pulverized Limestone Company [not selected] 270:88
E-18-34 Education 270:89
E-18-35 Electric Light 270:105
E-18-36 Employment 270:110
E-18-37 Equipment and Supplies 270:191
E-18-38 Exhibitions [not selected] 270:213
E-18-39 Family 270:214
E-18-40 Fan Mail 270:238
E-18-41 Financial 270:245
E-18-42 Ford, Henry 270:281
E-18-43 Foreign-Language Documents (Untranslated) [not selected] 270:288
E-18-44 Fort Myers 270:289
E-18-45 Glenmont 270:311
E-18-46 Gibbs Rescue Apparatus [not selected] 270:317
E-18-47 Health and Diet 270:318
E-18-48 Honors and Awards 270:324
E-18-49 Insurance 270:327
E-18-50 Invitations 270:335
E-18-51 Lectures [not selected] 270:340
E-18-52 —General [not selected] 270:341
E-18-53 —Litigation 270:342
E-18-54 Liberty Loan 270:348
E-18-55 Menlo Park [not selected] 270:351
E-18-56 —General 270:352
E-18-57 —Metals and Other Minerals 270:362
E-18-58 —Ogden Iron Company 270:462
E-18-59 —Ore Milling 270:464
E-18-60 Motion Pictures 270:475
E-18-61 Name Use 270:491
E-18-62 Naval Experiments 270:537
E-18-63 New Jersey Products Company 270:575
E-18-64 North Jersey Paint Company [not selected] 270:577
E-18-65 Patents 270:578
E-18-66 Personal 270:581
E-18-67 —General 270:629
E-18-68 —Edison Phonograph Works 270:752
E-18-69 Pohatcong Railroad Company [not selected] 270:761
E-18-70 Politics 270:762
E-18-71 Proudfoot's Commercial Agency 270:774
E-18-72 Radio [not selected] 270:783
E-18-73 Railroads [not selected] 270:784
E-18-74 Real Estate 270:785
E-18-75 Religion and Spiritualism 270:804
E-18-76 Secretary (W. H. Meadowcroft) [not selected] 270:807
E-18-77 Silver Lake [not selected] 270:808
E-18-78 Stock and Bond Offerings 270:809
E-18-79 Submarines 270:813
E-18-80 Telephone 270:819
E-18-81 Thomas A. Edison, Inc. 270:828
E-18-82 Visitors 270:872
E-18-83 Warren County Warehouse Company [not selected] 270:891
E-18-84 West Orange [not selected] 270:892
E-18-85 West Orange Laboratory 270:893
E-18-86 Wisconsin Cabinet and Panel Company 270:906
E-18-87 World War I 270:910
E-18-88 X-Rays 270:919

Back 1919

E-19-01 Advertising [not selected] 271:4
E-19-02 Advice 271:5
E-19-03 Articles 271:65
E-19-04 Autograph and Photograph Requests 271:291
E-19-05 Automobile 271:307
E-19-06 Aviation 271:310
E-19-07 Banking 271:321
E-19-08 Battery, Storage 271:339
E-19-09 Birthday Greetings 271:364
E-19-10 Book and Journal Orders 271:371
E-19-11 Business Propositions [not selected] 271:432
E-19-12 Cement 271:433
E-19-13 Cement House 271:448
E-19-14 Charities and Loans 271:470
E-19-15 Chemicals 271:529
E-19-16 Christmas and New Year Greetings [not selected] 271:566
E-19-17 Cigarettes 271:567
E-19-18    Clubs and Societies    271:570
E-19-19 Condensite Company of America 271:621
E-19-20 Deafness 271:624
E-19-21 Ediphone 271:629
E-19-22 Edison, T. A. 271:654
E-19-23 Edison Pioneers 271:791
E-19-24 Edison Portland Cement Company 272:1
E-19-25 Edison Pulverized Limestone Company [not selected] 272:38
E-19-26 Edison Star [not selected] 272:39
E-19-27 Education 272:40
E-19-28 Electric Light 272:47
E-19-29 Employment 272:95
E-19-30 Equipment and Supplies 272:363
E-19-31 Exhibitions [not selected] 272:421
E-19-32 Family 272:422
E-19-33 Fan Mail [not selected] 272:484
E-19-34 Financial 272:485
E-19-35 Ford, Henry 272:491
E-19-36 Foreign-Language Documents (Untranslated)[not selected] 272:532
E-19-37 Fort Myers 272:533
E-19-38 Glenmont 272:567
E-19-39 Health and Diet 272:589
E-19-40 Honors and Awards [not selected] 272:596
E-19-41 Insurance 272:597
E-19-42 Invitations 272:601
E-19-43 Lectures 272:614
E-19-44 —General 272:617
E-19-45 —Litigation 272:619
E-19-46 Miner's Safety Lamp [not selected] 272:641
E-19-47 —General 272:642
E-19-48 —Metals and Other Minerals 272:746
E-19-49 —Ore Milling 272:807
E-19-50 Motion Pictures 273:1
E-19-51 Name Use 273:58
E-19-52 Naval Experiments 273:81
E-19-53 New Jersey Patent Company 273:124
E-19-54 Patents 273:136
E-19-55 Personal 273:175
E-19-56 Phonograph  
  —General - January-June 273:205
  —General - July-December 273:325
E-19-57 Edison Phonograph Works [not selected] 273:510
E-19-58 Politics 273:511
E-19-59 Proudfoot’s Commercial Agency 273:554
E-19-60 Radio 273:571
E-19-61 Real Estate 273:575
E-19-62 Religion and Spiritualism [not selected] 273:587
E-19-63 Roosevelt, Franklin D. 273:588
E-19-64 Rubber 273:595
E-19-65 Secretary (W. H. Meadowcroft) [not selected] 273:610
E-19-66 Stock and Bond Offerings [not selected] 273:611
E-19-67 Stock Ticker 273:612
E-19-68 Television [not selected] 273:615
E-19-69 Thomas A. Edison, Inc. 273:616
E-19-70 Thomas A. Edison, Ltd 273:625
E-19-71 Visitors 273:651
  West Orange Laboratory  
E-19-72 —General 273:700
E-19-73 —Financial Statements 273:721

Series Notes
Folder Lists
Part I
Part II
1 2 3
Part III
1 2 3
Part IV
1 2 3
Part V
1 2 3
Outside Repositories Edison-Miller Family
